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          福建自考網(wǎng)> 試題題庫列表頁(yè)> As far as writing is concerned, the author would probably agree to the statement that( ).


          卷面總分:100分     試卷年份:2021年4月    是否有答案:    作答時(shí)間: 120分鐘   

          收起答題卡 ^

          As far as writing is concerned, the author would probably agree to the statement that( ).

          • A、 a picture is better than a personal topic

          • B、a picture can be the basis for just one task

          • C、a personal topic is better than a picture

          • D、a personal topic provides shared experience 

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          更多題目 請在 下方輸入框 內輸入要搜索的題目:

          I got a high score for my first essay. ( )

          • A、True

          • B、False

          • C、Not Given 

          Planting Potatoes

          When I was a boy, we had several gardens around our old house. The largest one of all was used just for growing potatoes.

          I can still remember those potato planting days. All the family 31________ helped. After my Dad had 32________ the soil, my Mom, brothers, and I went to work. It was my 33________ to drop the little seed potatoes in the 34________ while my Mom dropped handfuls of fertilizers beside them. My brothers then covered them all with the 35________ turned earth.

          For months 36 ________ I would glance over at the garden while I played outside and wonder what was going on underneath the 37________. When the harvest time came I was amazed at the huge size of the potatoes my Dad 38________ out of the soil. Those little seed potatoes had grown into big potatoes. They would be turned into meal after meal of 39________ food. They would keep the 40________ family well fed throughout the whole year. It truly was a miracle.


          A: true

          B: ground

          C: members

          D: job

          E: delicious

          F: prepared

          G: rows

          H: afterward

          I: freshly

          J: entire

          K: tools

          L: pulled

          The author mainly discusses the use of pictures in class from( ).

          • A、2 aspects

          • B、3 aspects

          • C、4 aspects

          • D、5 aspects






